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My story

My vision is to start my projects in Zimbabwe in Mashonaland West Province.I want to start two projects which will be auto funding the needs of my community these are Mining and Farming projects

On Mining

I am aiming to start ferro chrome mining along Great Dyke in which i will be sub- contracting with Zimasco ,Zimalloys and Sinosteel.I have a great hope that through this project it will play a pivotal role on every enquiry of funds and also not forgetting the creation of employement to the youth around my community for a better source of income

On Farming

I am aiming to grow maize and leguminus plants on the same area Masholand West province because it is located in Region 2 which is the best province for these crops because of its rainfall and soil texture.I have a big hope that i will improve my community on the food security.

Lastly : On Evangelism Programme

I also have a programme i wish to start by 2026 which is called Remote Evangelism Programme..which will be evangelism programme targeting the Remote Areas for the preaching of the Word of God.In which we will be having mega crusades across the whole i will require good stage and sound P.A system

My Challenge

My challenge is i am looking for funds for the start up cost which cover the machinery and start up expenditure

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Christian Aid
1 month 3 weeks ago
Target updated

This activity's target has been updated to £50,000.00

How your money helps

This Christmas, you can support families in South Sudan; a country ravaged by conflict and the climate crisis.

Extreme poverty is deepening, as food shortages, high prices, lack of clean water, and poor sanitation make daily life an enormous challenge for most. As more families arrive to seek refuge each day, exponential pressure is being put on communities and humanitarian organisations who are already at breaking point.

Every pound you raise could provide:

  • Nutritious meals to help families combat hunger and malnutrition.
  • Blankets and warm clothing to bring comfort to children far from home.
  • Financial assistance that enables families to buy essential items and rebuild their lives.

Your donations, this Christmas, will bring hope to those who need it most.

Image credits and information i
Shede is a refugee at Wedweil Refugee Settlement. She fled her home in Darfur in December 2023 when homes were being bombed, and food was in short supply. Credit: David Lomuria/Christian Aid
Shede is a refugee at Wedweil Refugee Settlement. She fled her home in Darfur in December 2023 when homes were being bombed, and food was in short supply.